Professor Antonio Andreoni
Antonio Andreoni is Professor of Development Economics at the Department of Economics of SOAS University of London, Honorary Professor at the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose, University College London and Visiting Professor in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg. Professor Andreoni is also DG GROW Fellow for the EU Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs; Member of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue (IPD) led by Joseph Stiglitz at Columbia University; Member of the Babbage Forum at Cambridge University; Member of the AIR-Net Academic Industry Research Network; Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge. Professor Andreoni is an Editor of the European Journal of Development Research.
Professor Andreoni has researched and published extensively on production dynamics, technological change, and social conditions of innovation; structural transformation, GVCs, industrial ecosystems; financialisation and corporate governance; political economy of industrial policy; energy transition and sustainable industrial restructuring; competition policy, digitalisation, platform economy. His publications include articles in the Cambridge Journal of Economics, Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society, Development and Change, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Technovation, Health Policy and Planning, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Energy Policy, European Journal of Development Research and Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. His recent books include ‘Structural Transformation in South Africa’ (Oxford University Press, 2021) and ‘From Financialisation to Innovation in UK Big Pharma’ (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
Dr Andreoni has led several research programmes. He was Research Director of the £6 million multi-countries Research Partnership Consortium on Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) led by SOAS University of London and funded by DFID. He was co-PI for the two-year programme on Governing Financialisation, Innovation and Productivity in UK Manufacturing (GoFinPro) funded by the Gatsby Foundation. He also received research funding from UNU-WIDER, Rockefeller Foundation, African Climate Foundation.
Professor Andreoni has worked as an expert for several international organisations including the World Bank, OECD, DFID, GIZ, UNIDO, UNCTAD, ILO, UNDP, UN DESA and UN ECA. He also advised governments in industrial policymaking in the European Union, the UK, Finland, South Africa, Chile, Mauritius, Tanzania and Uganda. He served in several advisory boards including the OECD Expert Group on the Evaluation of Industrial Policy; the World Bank Mobilizing Local Knowledge to Improve Competitiveness Strategies Programme; the EU Advisory Board for RIS3 Support to Lagging Regions Working Group; the EU-JRC Partnerships for Regional Innovation (PRI); the UK Business Integrity Initiative. In 2023 he was appointed DG GROW Fellow with advisory role for the EU Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.
Before joining SOAS, Professor Andreoni was Associate Professor of Industrial Economics at the University College London. Dr Andreoni holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge (2013) where he was also a Post-doctoral Research Associate in University-Industry Strategic Partnerships, Institute for Manufacturing, Department of Engineering. Before moving to the UK, Antonio was trained in economics at the University of Bologna and was awarded the XIX Fausto Vicarelli National Award and the XIV Guido Carli National Award.

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