The Babbage Forum seeks to address how industrial innovation policies might best be developed once a country had decided so to do. Our flagship event is the annual Babbage Symposium which seeks to enable deeper cross-disciplinary understanding and better integrated foundations for policy deliberations in science, technology, innovation and manufacturing.
The Babbage Symposium is a unique international forum established to encourage new thinking at the interface of economics, engineering and management to inform industrial innovation policymaking. Nations with current representation on The Babbage Forum are: China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, UK and the USA.
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The Symposium is complimented by smaller roundtable meetings and workshops throughout the year as part of The Babbage Forum’s primary objective to support more effective and robust industrial innovation policymaking.
Babbage meetings focus on key policymaker needs and challenges and international approaches to them. The Forum welcomes further opportunities to connect and convene practitioners.
We bring together a global network of experts from economics, engineering and operations management with a shared interest in industrial innovation policy.