The Babbage Policy Network
Professor Suzanne Berger
Political Science Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
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Suzanne Berger is John M. Deutch Institute Professor and member of the Political Science Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts. She co-chaired the MIT Production in the Innovation Economy (PIE) Commission—a project bringing MIT engineers, social scientists, and management experts together to analyze the role of manufacturing in bringing innovation to market in advanced economies. She is the author of their report, Making in America: From Innovation to Market (MIT Press, 2013). She currently participates in the MIT Taskforce on Work of the Future.
Her scholarly contributions range from work in political development (Peasants Against Politics:Rural Organization in Brittany, 1911-1967) to work on the impact of globalization on domestic economies and on manufacturing. She participated in the landmark 1989 Made in America project at MIT and led the MIT study of globalization, outsourcing, and offshoring published in How We Compete: What Companies Around the World Are Doing to Make It in Today’s Global Economy (2006). She wrote Made By Hong Kong and Global Taiwan (with Richard K. Lester). She is currently working on a study of the first globalization before World War I, a part of which appeared in Notre Première Mondialisation: Leçons d’un échec oublié.
Suzanne Berger served as Head of the Department of Political Science, MIT, and Vice President of the American Political Science Association. She was the founding chair of the Social Science Research Council Committee on Western Europe and has chaired the Collège de France International Committee on Scientific and Strategic Orientation. She founded the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) and directed its France program. She has a BA from the University of Chicago and a PhD from Harvard University. She has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The French government has awarded her the Légion d’Honneur, Palmes Academiques and l’Ordre National du Merite.
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